Friday, September 19, 2008

Joining the Gravy Train

Ok, Ok, so I can say a little bit of guilt has catapulted me to write a little something about our family and our new journeys in life as we come across them now. Mostly because our new son is inspiring us to rediscover "life's little joys" and in turn realizing how simple yet monumental they are. As well, as my constant admiration for my other friends to write these blogs and to keep them updated on a constant basis. I would like to say that I'm gonna really keep up on this blogging, but as of right now I'm just trying to live day-by-day without much commitments because Jasper is our focus right now. I've always been known to be super anal retentive in creating a plan or having a list of to-dos for daily tasks and since the day Jasper was born I had to REALLY learn to be flexible with my to-do list these days. I've realized accomplishing a shower, brushing my teeth, and maybe a trip to the grocery store (without a crying meltdown from Jasper on the drive home) is a major feat. I can't imagine what life's gonna be like when I go back to work in two weeks. As of right now a big part of me is dying to go back because of the financial stability and socialization with my co-workers and with the public. However, I know that the second that I do return I will be guilt ridden with the feelings that I'm away from Jasper and won't be able to catch the small little developments that he learns everyday. Whether it's admiring him react to the lights of the ceiling fan every time we go into the nursery to change his diaper like he's never seen it before. Or convincing myself that his rare and occasional smiles are really due to my singing of a bad rendition of a nursery rhyme I forgot and are trying to Ad-Lib, instead of tummy gas.
Who knows.... But what I do know is that my mom went back to work as early as 6 weeks and I was in daycare all day 7 days a week and I turned out ok, right? Unfortunately, without my additional income and this crummy unstable economy we couldn't survive without me returning to work. So let's cross our fingers and hope that the transition goes well.
Thanks to all of our family and friends to support us and help keep Jasper in safe hands while he's still little with the daily babysitting, like the old saying says "It takes a village to raise a child." and we couldn't be more blessed with the town folk.
Hope to update again sooner than later but don't be surprised if it takes another week, also I just wanna apologize for the grammatical errors you may find when you read these as well as the run on sentences. I wasn't the best in this subject in school, my mind just likes to let it all out without structuring it first. Blah..He.. He..


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

ahhhh...the one handed typing :) i'm so excited! another fabulous story to read! i love it!

isnt motherhood great? the meltdowns, the smiles (real or imagined) and the way it tests your every ability...even had me lol with the whole nursery rhyme part! its the hardest job in the world but it has the best rewards! (

thanks for a the read and the little insight into your little treasures!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm so excited! I'm really glad you are taking the time to do this. It's a lot of fun for me to be able to see what is going on in my close friends lives since I don't get to see you all the time. I promise I will be an avid reader=)

3 wild ones said...


denise said...

Thanks for the update! Sorry about your new family pets in the attic though! I read that one too! I just wanted to say that you should not be guilt ridden! One of the most important things you can do for your child is to be a full, enriched person with your own life. I know many parents who are tapped out because they do not have their own life separate from their children. Being a mother is one very important part of your life but you are also a wife, daughter, friend etc. I know that in my own family that my Mom "put all her eggs in one basket" as they say and when it was time for us to leave the house it was horrible. She through all this subconscious guilt our way because of the "sacrafices" she made as a parent not having her own life. As they say on the airplane and it is so true in life, "you must first put on your own oxygen mask" to best care for any child. You and Nate will work it all out and Jasper has great people to hang out with him while you are away! Everything will be just fine and your time away will help your little family! much love and best wishes-denise

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

well said are so right. let guilt pass lisa!

i especially like the air plane analogy! lol

Unknown said...

I am happy to see that you have a blog online. Now I can find out how Jasper is doing! His is such a cutie and I love reading about him!