Sunday, October 12, 2008

Final Post

I'm sorry I tried to make this work, but my time is spread so thin these days that something had to go. With returning back to work, trying to get our little dude ready to go down to bed at night and get ready to go in the morning. My little extra "Me Times" are feeling the pinch. Thank God for TIVO because I'm barely able to get a solid hour during the week to watch my reality shows and on the weekends catch up on the weekly laundry or household chores that I was neglecting during the work week. So I've come to realized getting a solid half hour to post a blog is really eating at me to keep everyone informed on our daily grind and our daily grind is kinda "Boring" I mean other than our little Jasper and his small triumphs. I think the only online updating I'll be able to merely accomplish is my My space page. Sorry Everybody!!! Kudos to all you mommy's who can get this done and many other things without losing your mind. :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wow, what a week in review....

So I know what your all thinking... Where's the new post????
We'll I've had Some week dealing with family news and taking care of my boys and adjusting with getting back to work and and and trying to get Jasper's formula right, and getting his shots. So wanna hear it here it goes.....

First my mom notified me that two Friday's ago she went to the doctor for her annual exam and for the doc to look at a weird lump in her neck. We'll they poo pooed the lump saying that she probably has a swollen lump node because she was recuperating from a cold. Then while the doc was doing the pap smear she asked my mom, "Did you know you have a strange growth on your cervix?" "WHAT???" my mom replied, "No, no one ever told me I had a growth on my cervix." So with my mom totally freaked out the doc ordered a biopsy of her cervix and with my mom's demand a sample of her lump in her neck too. We'll to be double sure they also scheduled a MRI and a full body lab sample to check her blood and cholesterol the whole sha bang, right??? They also nicely told her that it could be nothing or she could have lymphoma.
So scared shit less my mom called me and spilled the story, after determining that she shouldn't get herself all worked up and to stay off the internet. We waited out the weekend for the results. Well she got the call on Wednesday that her lab work looks good and the swollen lymph node is a cyst that can be easily removed and the mass on her cervix is not cancer but a prolapsed uterus (it fell from the abdominal cavity) all which can be fixed with small surgical procedures. YAY, good news!! So she has a new lease on life looking forward to her lil' surgical procedures which are no comparison to cancer.

Then I start back at work on Tuesday, dropping the baby off at Nathan's parents house on Tuesday and Wednesday and at Krystal's house on Thursday and Friday (FABULOUS SITTERS I MIGHT ADD!!!) We'll by Wednesday Nathan develops a head cold. (AHHH) so our house goes on survival mode. Nathan comatose on the couch while I'm trying to keep Jasper isolated in our back bedroom. I used to be able to be "Nathan's Nurse" when he was sick, but now I'm like every man for himself. Sorry honey momma can't get sick too or all hell will break loose.

And today my poor lil' baby had his first Vaccination appointment. We'll I thought he was gonna do great, because in the hospital he had alot of blood draws to test for Jaundice and those didn't even cause him to flinch especially if he was eating at the same time. We'll we started the day off good, slept in until 7:30am ate, fell asleep in the swing and mommy got a shower, then had my first poop and OUCH!!! He was constipated with (he's never had before) blood streaks in his poop pebbles. POOR POOH BEAR, all because we recently in the Formula roulette game switched from Name brand soy formula to Generic soy formula and what do you know even though it's got the "Compare to..." on the label it's not the same in the tummy. I seriously took a pic of all the formulas we've gone through over the past two months trying to get his tummy regular and have included that for your viewing pleasure.

If it wasn't one
that made him throw up than it was another that made him really gassy and constipated, or just gassy or just throw up, it did all three. So we finally gave up on milk formulas and tried soy Similac Isomil Soy to be exact, and he's been a happy baby since. Talk about $$$$$. But whatever makes our lil' dude happy and content.

Oh yeah and he got his shots today talk about fun, 3 1inch needles being jammed into his thighs. He cried like i've never seen him cry before tears streaming down his face. I even got welled up trying to comfort him, NOT looking forward to two months from now when he get's his next set of shots. I think i'll make Nathan take him. :)

That was all in a nutshell.... Here are some fun pics recently taken of us.
P.S. Sorry for the really bad grammer and jumpy thoughts I'm really tired right now and just kinda wanted to get everything out without missing anything. I know you guys can get my drift....