Sunday, October 12, 2008

Final Post

I'm sorry I tried to make this work, but my time is spread so thin these days that something had to go. With returning back to work, trying to get our little dude ready to go down to bed at night and get ready to go in the morning. My little extra "Me Times" are feeling the pinch. Thank God for TIVO because I'm barely able to get a solid hour during the week to watch my reality shows and on the weekends catch up on the weekly laundry or household chores that I was neglecting during the work week. So I've come to realized getting a solid half hour to post a blog is really eating at me to keep everyone informed on our daily grind and our daily grind is kinda "Boring" I mean other than our little Jasper and his small triumphs. I think the only online updating I'll be able to merely accomplish is my My space page. Sorry Everybody!!! Kudos to all you mommy's who can get this done and many other things without losing your mind. :)

1 comment:

denise said...

Hey you! It is all good in the hood lady! BEING A PARENT IS A FULL TIME JOB ENOUGH! If people wanna know how you all are doing we can kick it old school and pick up the telephone and call you! Love ya and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks at the Halloween shingig! Best wishes-denise